First Day of Kindergarten Thoughts

I’m going to be real. The other night I had a full on panic attack and felt so overwhelmed. You know what caused it?! This little munchkin goes to kindergarten tomorrow 🤯

Where did the time go and how did she go from a baby to a toddler to an almost full grown child in the blink of an eye? I miss my little baby and want her to stop growing so fast.

When she was about to turn 2 the doctor told me she needed to go to speech therapy because her speech was severely delayed and she was at the one year old level when she was almost two. That worried me and we worked hard on teaching her words and it was so frustrating but so rewarding. This little beauty has now caught up to where she is supposed to be and it blows my mind how over the course of a year she got so good at her colours, numbers, alphabet and shapes. It’s been such a blessing watching her grow up and learn all of the things.

And now she’s going to be going to Kindergarten and I don’t think I’m prepared for this.

Samantha Moberg

Ottawa based Wedding & Boudoir Studio